The animation which is part of a form of instructional
variety is designed to reveal more clearly the inlbrniational
content ofa text. Thl.ough learning by means of the animation
system. ability in comprehending a test's contents coi~ld
on the wliole be increased. This animation is made lo cause
one's mental faculties to beco~nem ore focussed. In addition,
it contains more comprehensible infomation since the pictiues interacts extensively with the text. Animation could
also sin~plifyc olnplex infomiation or make abstract information
niore concrete both spatially and te~nporally and via
simple functional relations.
The interaction between the pictures and the text in
animation could result in a high level of comprehensibility
so that it could also increase the power of one's niemory and
imagination. Content. subject. text type, complexity. familiarity.
instructional chunking. orientation. interactivity, and
learning objective are factors which greatly affect the process
of animation design. Comprehension of only animation
without the accompaniment of test could not guarrantee that
the animation developed is really effective. Interactive aiiimation
exploited dyna~nicallyc ould play a more active part
in learning than non-interactive animation.
variety is designed to reveal more clearly the inlbrniational
content ofa text. Thl.ough learning by means of the animation
system. ability in comprehending a test's contents coi~ld
on the wliole be increased. This animation is made lo cause
one's mental faculties to beco~nem ore focussed. In addition,
it contains more comprehensible infomation since the pictiues interacts extensively with the text. Animation could
also sin~plifyc olnplex infomiation or make abstract information
niore concrete both spatially and te~nporally and via
simple functional relations.
The interaction between the pictures and the text in
animation could result in a high level of comprehensibility
so that it could also increase the power of one's niemory and
imagination. Content. subject. text type, complexity. familiarity.
instructional chunking. orientation. interactivity, and
learning objective are factors which greatly affect the process
of animation design. Comprehension of only animation
without the accompaniment of test could not guarrantee that
the animation developed is really effective. Interactive aiiimation
exploited dyna~nicallyc ould play a more active part
in learning than non-interactive animation.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v3i3.9002
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