The fanners who so far have been liing in a
dcspreate condition undergone worse condition
because they have to face the impact of economic
crisis \vhich has be gun since the decrease of rupiah
exchange towards the
USA $, because the price of
terti Iizer is so high that the farmers can not buy it. The
governlnent policy by increasing the basic prices of
agricultural production, especially the basic price of
rice 'Hake farm~r's condition is more difficult because
they do not have bargaining position. Part of
Indonesian farmers are the lower who have a
narrow land, lower incolne, and less education that
anakc thenl live in poverty.
I n order to increase their welfare, the farmers
should try to find alternative sources at income by
clnpowcnnent so that they will be able to use and to
Jcvelop this agricultural sectors. Empowennent the
I~arnlers so select the cOlll0dity of agricultural
production wich
is oriented to market need, such as
with developing the agrindustry.
In fact, the
agricultural sector
in the nationally economic decrease
has resistence for supporting the farmer's life,
although it is not Inuch pospective. The difficulty that
appears is that the caracteristic of Indonesian farmers
who have not been ready yet to face the competitive
Enlpowernlcnt of farnlers in rural areas can be
dOlll' by optinlalizing the role of social institution,
incrcasing the education level and mastering science
and or programs.
The government onl serves as a facilitator and guide.
wich has mediator function motivator and also
f~tcilitator and dinanlisator , so that the farmers are
encouraged to be more empowerment and to b
dcspreate condition undergone worse condition
because they have to face the impact of economic
crisis \vhich has be gun since the decrease of rupiah
exchange towards the
USA $, because the price of
terti Iizer is so high that the farmers can not buy it. The
governlnent policy by increasing the basic prices of
agricultural production, especially the basic price of
rice 'Hake farm~r's condition is more difficult because
they do not have bargaining position. Part of
Indonesian farmers are the lower who have a
narrow land, lower incolne, and less education that
anakc thenl live in poverty.
I n order to increase their welfare, the farmers
should try to find alternative sources at income by
clnpowcnnent so that they will be able to use and to
Jcvelop this agricultural sectors. Empowennent the
I~arnlers so select the cOlll0dity of agricultural
production wich
is oriented to market need, such as
with developing the agrindustry.
In fact, the
agricultural sector
in the nationally economic decrease
has resistence for supporting the farmer's life,
although it is not Inuch pospective. The difficulty that
appears is that the caracteristic of Indonesian farmers
who have not been ready yet to face the competitive
Enlpowernlcnt of farnlers in rural areas can be
dOlll' by optinlalizing the role of social institution,
incrcasing the education level and mastering science
and or programs.
The government onl serves as a facilitator and guide.
wich has mediator function motivator and also
f~tcilitator and dinanlisator , so that the farmers are
encouraged to be more empowerment and to b
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