In the long history of developmental psychology and especially
that related to moral development, Kohlberg has been considered the
foremost developer
of moral studies although some great thinkers
before him has inspired him. Along with
G.H. Mead's and Baldwin's
theories, Piaget's theories have influenced him the most.
Kohlberg has been influenced
by Piaget especially in his two
basic ideas
of cognitive and sequential mental structure. He has
defined morality
as a structure of justice, in which the end of any
moral action, guidance, and sanction should guarantee individual
justice. This moral concept
of justice implies emphasis on human
conditions like equality, freedom, reciprocity, and appreciation.
life. Truth is universal to all. In addition, Kohlberg has stated that the
essential moral principle is that
the principle ofjustice and this is the
reason for any action
so that Kohlberg gives more emphasis on the
of moral reasoning. The development of moral
reasoning requires the occurrence
of cognitive development, social
role-taking, and socio-cognitive conflict.
In the course of developing his theories, Kohlberg has been
faced with some criticism, especially on his measurements, which,
when applied
to women, tend to place them on low-stage positions
that related to moral development, Kohlberg has been considered the
foremost developer
of moral studies although some great thinkers
before him has inspired him. Along with
G.H. Mead's and Baldwin's
theories, Piaget's theories have influenced him the most.
Kohlberg has been influenced
by Piaget especially in his two
basic ideas
of cognitive and sequential mental structure. He has
defined morality
as a structure of justice, in which the end of any
moral action, guidance, and sanction should guarantee individual
justice. This moral concept
of justice implies emphasis on human
conditions like equality, freedom, reciprocity, and appreciation.
life. Truth is universal to all. In addition, Kohlberg has stated that the
essential moral principle is that
the principle ofjustice and this is the
reason for any action
so that Kohlberg gives more emphasis on the
of moral reasoning. The development of moral
reasoning requires the occurrence
of cognitive development, social
role-taking, and socio-cognitive conflict.
In the course of developing his theories, Kohlberg has been
faced with some criticism, especially on his measurements, which,
when applied
to women, tend to place them on low-stage positions
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v1i1.8669
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