Banyumas, as a region in Central Java
Province~ is geographically located
between two different ethnic groups, namely the Javanese
and the Sundanese. This
makes Banyumas receive influences from two different cultures
and have specific
and unique characteristics. Banyumas has a variety ofarts such as, among others,
lengger calung, ebeg, baritan, buncisan, angguk, wayang kulit gagrag Banyumas,
aksimuda, cowongan, laisan, ·aplang/dhaeng, karawitan, ujungan dan Seni tutur Begalan.
Seni Tutur Begalan is one religious or ritual art because it is performed in a specific
traditional wedding ·ceremony in Banyumas. The marriage is specific when it is
the eldest daughter and the eldest son, the youngest daughter and the
youngest son, the eldest daughter·
and the youngest son, and the youngest
and the eldest son. Educational values ·in seni tutur Begalan include,
among others, the following;
(1) religious values can be found in a variety of
components in the offering .prepared
for the Begalan ceremony, reflecting the
relationship between people and good, people and the nature, and people and
people (habluminallah-habluminannas); (2). social values can be found in the advice or
sayings through
pikulan (Brenong Kepang), suggesting a value that serious or trivial
problems can
be solved together; (3) moral values are presented through the lyrics
of tembang eling-eling, reflecting three important points, namely tata krama
(politeness), temen (seriousness), and .tepa selira.(tolerance), which are important in
social life
Province~ is geographically located
between two different ethnic groups, namely the Javanese
and the Sundanese. This
makes Banyumas receive influences from two different cultures
and have specific
and unique characteristics. Banyumas has a variety ofarts such as, among others,
lengger calung, ebeg, baritan, buncisan, angguk, wayang kulit gagrag Banyumas,
aksimuda, cowongan, laisan, ·aplang/dhaeng, karawitan, ujungan dan Seni tutur Begalan.
Seni Tutur Begalan is one religious or ritual art because it is performed in a specific
traditional wedding ·ceremony in Banyumas. The marriage is specific when it is
the eldest daughter and the eldest son, the youngest daughter and the
youngest son, the eldest daughter·
and the youngest son, and the youngest
and the eldest son. Educational values ·in seni tutur Begalan include,
among others, the following;
(1) religious values can be found in a variety of
components in the offering .prepared
for the Begalan ceremony, reflecting the
relationship between people and good, people and the nature, and people and
people (habluminallah-habluminannas); (2). social values can be found in the advice or
sayings through
pikulan (Brenong Kepang), suggesting a value that serious or trivial
problems can
be solved together; (3) moral values are presented through the lyrics
of tembang eling-eling, reflecting three important points, namely tata krama
(politeness), temen (seriousness), and .tepa selira.(tolerance), which are important in
social life
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