Gatut Susanto, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


     (Title: Gender Representation in The BIPA Textbook).  This article aims to describe the gender representation in the Indonesian language for foreign speakers (BIPA) textbook. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data were textual words and pictures that showing gender identity. Data were collected from BIPA textbook called Let's Speak Indonesian: Ayo Berbahasa Indonesia 1, which is well known as Ayo 1. Data gathered by reading the textbook, marking, classifying, and calculating gender identity markers. By using gender identity as the parameter, data were analyzed by reducing, presenting, calculating the percentage of gender identity representations, interpreting and explaining the representation of the gender. The findings revealed that the representation of female gender in the Ayo 1 textbook has a greater percentage than male gender where female’s identities are more highlighted than male identities. Thus, it is concluded that based on the percentage of visual gender, the Ayo 1 textbook represented the gender equality because it’s reflects less domination of male over female. This empirical evidence suggests that future BIPA textbook designers need to be aware of the importance of gender representation issues in developing BIPA textbook.

Keywords: BIPA textbook, gender identity, gender representation


BIPA textbook, gender identity, gender representation

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