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Author Guidelines



General Requirement:

  1. Articles in the form of ideas, scientific analysis, theoretical studies, or research results in the economic field.
  2. Articles submitted to journals are not being submitted to other journals/issues and have not been published in other journals/issues.
  3. The level of plagiarism/similarity does not exceed 15%.
  4. Articles are submitted online through the website Nominal: Barometer of Accounting and Management Research at the address
  5. Articles are submitted in the format Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx).
  6. The Editor has the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the published manuscript without reducing or changing the purpose of the article. 

Writing Format:

  1. Articles can be presented in English or Indonesian.
  2. Articles ranging from 10-25 pages, font times new roman 12 (11 for abstract), spaces 1.5 (1 space for abstract).
  3. Written using the template provided.
  4. Writing citations and references using models American Psychological Association (APA) (Sixth Edition). We recommend using a reference manager app like EndNote, and Mendeley.

Writing System:

 1. Articles Derived from Associative Research Results (Research Effects and Relationships Between Variables), consist of:


Written short and concise

Writer's name

The author's name is written without a title, institution of origin, and email address.


Abstract written in English and Indonesian. The abstract contains a description of the research objectives, methods used, and research results. The abstract is written concisely, densely, and written in one paragraph that summarizes the importance of research variables and research objectives, research methods (eg, sampling technique, number of samples, and analytical techniques used), and answers to the formulation of the problem or research results. At the bottom of the abstract are given keywords that contain basic ideas or concepts that represent the research field.


This section is about the research background, research problems or research objectives, and a summary of theoretical studies related to the problem under study. In the last paragraph, it is stated the purpose of the research is made in a narrative.

Literature Review

The literature review can be taken from the research framework (theoretical descriptions of research variables combined with the results of research reviews) and the framework of thinking. At the end of each explanation, each element of the frame of mind has mentioned the hypothesis of this research. Hypotheses may also be presented as one in the last section of the literature review.

Research methods

This section contains the design or design of the research carried out. This section at least contains the types of research, research subjects/objects, data collection techniques/instruments, and data analysis. This section describes the place and time of the study, the population, and the sampling technique used by the researcher. Further described the data collection techniques and data collection instruments used. Furthermore, the instrument grid and the test results of the validity and reliability of the instrument (if there is an instrument) are also explained in this section. In the end, this section describes the analytical technique used and the assumption test used.

Research Results and Discussion

This section contains the results of data analysis, instrument and hypothesis testing (if any), answers to research questions, findings, and interpretation of the findings. This section, if possible, can also be graphed for each research variable. Next, the descriptive statistical values (eg Mean, SD, Maximum, Minimum) and their interpretations are presented successively. At the end of this section, the results of the research hypothesis testing and discussion are sufficient.

Conclusions and suggestions

Presenting the conclusions of the research results and if necessary adding implications, limitations, and suggestions. In this section, the conclusions, limitations of the study, and suggestions can be presented successively.

Acknowledgments (if required/not mandatory)

Say thank you at the end of the article before the reference. List the people or parties who provided assistance during the preparation of the article (for example, those who provided financial assistance, provided language assistance, writing or proofreading assistance, etc.).


Contains the sources referred to in the writing of the article, only the sources used are included in the bibliography.

2. Articles Derived from Descriptive Research and R&D (CAR, System Design, and Descriptive) consist of:


Written short and concise

Writer's name

The author's name is written without a title, institution of origin, and email address.


Abstract written in English and Indonesian. The abstract contains a description of the research objectives, methods used, and research results. The abstract is written briefly, concisely, and written in one paragraph that summarizes the importance of research variables and research objectives and research objectives of research methods (eg, samples, and analytical techniques used), and answers to the formulation of the problem or research results. at the bottom of the abstract are given keywords that contain basic ideas or concepts that represent the research field.


This section contains the research background, research problems or research objectives, and a summary of theoretical studies related to the research problem.

Literature Review

The literature review can be in the form of a research framework (theoretical descriptions of research variables combined with the results of research reviews) and frameworks of thought. At the end of the explanation of each element of the framework, the research question is stated. Research questions may also be presented as one in the last section of the literature review. This section also presents/describes the development method approach (design) used in the research.

Research methods

This section contains the design or design of the research carried out. This section at least contains the types of research, research subjects/objects, data collection techniques/ instruments, and data analysis. This section also explains the place and time of the research, a description of the data collection techniques, and the data collection instruments used. In the end, this section describes the analytical techniques used.

Research Results and Discussion

This section presents the results of the research that has been carried out, answers to the research questions of the findings, and interpretation of the findings. This section presents the detailed results of the research and the products that have been produced from the research that has been carried out. At the end of the discussion is presented fairly and properly.

Conclusions and suggestions

Presenting the conclusions of the research results and if necessary adding implications, limitations, and suggestions. In this section, the conclusions, limitations of the study, and suggestions can be presented successively.

Acknowledgments (if required/not mandatory)

Say thank you at the end of the article before the reference. List the people or parties who provided assistance during the preparation of the article (for example, those who provided financial assistance, provided language assistance, writing or proofreading assistance, etc.).


Contains the sources referred to in the writing of the article, only the sources used are included in the bibliography.

3. Articles Derived from Research Results of Literature Studies, consist of:


Written short and concise

Writer's name

The author's name is written without a title, institution of origin, and email address.


Abstract written in English and Indonesian. The abstract contains a description of the research objectives, methods used, and research results. The abstract is written briefly, concisely, and written in one paragraph that summarizes the importance of the research issue and research objectives and research methods (eg, sampling technique, number of samples, and analytical techniques used), and answers to the formulation of the problem or research results. at the bottom of the abstract are given keywords that contain basic ideas or concepts that represent the research field.


This section contains the research background, research problems or research objectives, and a summary of theoretical studies related to the research problem.

Literature Review

The literature review can be in the form of a research framework (theoretical descriptions of research variables combined with the results of research reviews) and frameworks of thought. At the end of the explanation of each element of the framework, the research question is stated.

Research methods

This section contains the design or design of the research carried out. This section contains at least the type of research and subject/object of research. In the end, this section describes the analytical techniques used.

Research Results and Discussion

This section presents the results of research that has been carried out, answers to research issues of the findings, and interpretation of the findings. This section presents the detailed results of the research and the products that have been produced from the research that has been carried out. At the end of the discussion is presented fairly and properly.

Conclusions and suggestions

Presenting the conclusions of the research results and if necessary adding implications, limitations, and suggestions. In this section, the conclusions, limitations of the study, and suggestions can be presented successively.

Acknowledgments (if required/not mandatory)

Say thank you at the end of the article before the reference. List the people or parties who provided assistance during the preparation of the article (for example, those who provided financial assistance, provided language assistance, writing or proofreading assistance, etc.).


Contains the sources referred to in the writing of the article, only the sources used are included in the bibliography.

All articles in Nominal: Barometer of Accounting and Management Research no are a reflection of the attitude and or opinion of the Editorial Board. Nominal: Barometer of Accounting Research and Management of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics, UNY. The responsibility for the content or consequences of the writing remains with the author.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Articles in the form of ideas, scientific analysis, theoretical studies, or research results in the fields of economics, management, and/or accounting.

  2. Articles are not being submitted to other journals/issues and have not been published in other journals/issues.

  3. Articles are sent in soft copy with Microsoft Word format (.doc / .docx).

  4. The article has followed the writing guidelines that apply in the Nominal Journal and has followed the Nominal journal template.

  5. Articles are free from fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplication, fragmentation/salami, and copyright infringement of data/content and the article has been checked using a tool/software/application to check plagiarism (Turnitin / Grammarly / or similar software) and the results of the similarity test are not more than 15%.

  6. The article does not contain any unlawful, defamatory, or other statements and does not contain material that violates the personal rights or property rights of any other person or entity.
  7. The author is willing to improve the manuscript that has been assessed/reviewed and does not withdraw unilaterally if the manuscript has been entering the assessment/review stage.

  8. Gives the editor/editorial team the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the manuscript without reducing or changing the meaning of the text.
  9. The author is fully responsible for the content of the writing. Nominal is not responsible for the content of the articles in the published articles.


Copyright Notice

Nominal Barometer Riset Akuntansi dan Manajemen allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to its articles' full texts and allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions. Finally, the journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions

  • Authors are allowed to archive their submitted article in an open access repository
  • Authors are allowed to archive the final published article in an open access repository with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Generic License.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.