Kinerja dosen di bidang penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah
Djemari Mardapi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Badrun Kartowagiran, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: kinerja dosen, penelitian, publikasi ilmiah
The necessity of scientific publication insisted by the government can encourage lecturers to improve their scientific research and publication, both in quality and quantity. In connection with this fact, this research is aimed at exploring lecturers’ performance in terms of scientific research and publication. The information gained through the result of this study can be used by the stakeholder to develop the lecturers’ performance. This study is a survey research employing high-validity-and-reliability questionnaire to collect the data, completed with the employment of observation technique. At the initial stage, the respondents of the study were 92 lecturers of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta consisting of 22 instructors, 26 assistant professors, 28 associate professors, and 16 professors. The results of the study indicate that during the last three years, there is an increase on the total scientific research performance score and publication at every level of the functional position, but there is also a difference the scientific research performance score and publication seen from these functional positions. Professors are at the highest rank of the scientific research performance score and publication, followed by associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors.
Keywords: lecturers’ performance, scientific research, scientific publication
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