
Issue Title
Vol 1, No 2 (2020): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Achieving ideal career: improving student’s career self efficacy through career counseling sessions based on H.B Gelatt's decision theory Abstract  PDF
Ima Ni’mah Chudari, Esya Anesty Mashudi, Fatihaturosyidah Fatihaturosyidah
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling How does Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) imply the counseling practice? Abstract  PDF
Rudi Haryadi, Farial Farial, Sanjaya Sanjaya
Vol 3, No 1 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Multicultural counseling: The strategy of social fasilitator of post-conflict education and psychosocial guidance in multicultural society Abstract  PDF
Adoniati Meyria Widaningtyas, Natri Sutanti
Vol 3, No 1 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling The implementation of reality counseling to overcome students’ isolated behavior Abstract  PDF
Evi Zuhara, Mahdayani Mahdayani
Vol 2, No 2 (2021): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Promoting students’ tolerance awareness in the context of peace education through Wayang Golek Abstract  PDF
Feri Henri Harjianto, Dany Moenindyah Handarini, Arbin Janu Setiyowati
Vol 2, No 2 (2021): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Ecological Counseling as an Integrative Cognitive Complexity Intervention Framework for Students with COVID-19 Pandemic-Caused Mental Health Challenges Abstract  PDF
Nanang E. Gunawan, Tamarine Foreman
Vol 5, No 1 (2024): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Professional competence of school counselors in guidance and counseling services Abstract  PDF
Nadia Aulia Nadhirah, Luthvia Zahiro Baiti, Nandang Budiman
Vol 2, No 2 (2021): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Profile of self-awareness among junior high school students Abstract  PDF
Lely Lailatussaidah, Feida Noor Laila Isti’adah, Agung Nugraha
Vol 4, No 2 (2023): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Individual counseling practice with solution-focused brief counseling in cross-cultural counseling Abstract  PDF
Ana Aprila, Ni Ketut Suarni, I Ketut Dharsana
Vol 1, No 2 (2020): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Community counseling: an opportunity and challenge (Indonesian and American perspective) Abstract  PDF
Budi Astuti
Vol 4, No 2 (2023): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Kierkegaard's concept of self-identity dynamics to awaken spiritual powers: Spiritual counseling perspective Abstract  PDF
Yohanes Ignasius Setiawan
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Solution-focused brief counseling in reducing the negative impact of problematic online game use Abstract  PDF
Mulawarman Mulawarman, Sigit Hariyadi, Edwindha Prafitra Nugraheni, Eni Rindi Antika, Shania Dea Menany Soputan
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Analysis of underachieving students’ problems and the given guidance Abstract  26-30
Rosna Pentiaratih Supendi
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Mindfulness: An effective technique for various psychological problems Abstract  1-13
Arihdya Caesar Pratikta
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling The role of guidance and counseling service in helping students with academic stress Abstract  PDF
Nurussakinah Daulay, Ade Chita Putri Harahap, M. Harwansyah Putra Sinaga
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling Critical analysis of KIPAS counseling model: Professional counseling crisis phenomena by counselor in Indonesia Abstract  31-39
Luthfita Cahya Irani
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): ProGCouns: Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling A literature review: Does expressive writing effective to reduce stress? Abstract  PDF
Nikhen Dea Savera, Ribut Purwaningrum, Rian Rokhmad Hidayat
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