Pengaruh publikasi tugas melalui STAD terhadap kerja sama, kreativitas, dan prestasi belajar IPA

Dzawati Muttaqiyyah, MTs Negeri I Lampung Tengah, Indonesia
Indyah Sulistyo Arty, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh; (2) perbedaan pengaruh; (3) strategi pembelajaran yang lebih berpengaruh antara publikasi tugas melalui STAD dan tanpa publikasi tugas melalui belajar kelompok terhadap kerja sama, kreativitas, dan prestasi belajar IPA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan counter balance design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII. Sampel sejumlah dua kelas ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa observasi kerja sama, tes kreativitas, dan tes prestasi belajar IPA. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedua strategi pembelajaran digunakan uji one sample t-tes, uji MANOVA untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh, dan uji t univariat untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap masing-masing variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) publikasi tugas melalui STAD berpengaruh terhadap kerja sama, kreativitas, dan prestasi belajar IPA;(2) ada perbedaan pengaruh antara publikasi tugas melalui STAD dibandingkan tanpa publikasi tugas melalui belajar kelompok terhadap kerja sama, kreativitas, dan prestasi belajar IPA; (3) publikasi tugas melalui STAD lebih berpengaruh dibandingkan tanpa publikasi tugas melalui belajar kelompok terhadap kerja sama, kreativitas, dan prestasi belajar IPA.

Kata Kunci: publikasi tugas, STAD, kerja sama, kreativitas, prestasi belajar IPA


The Influence of Task Publication Through STAD on Cooperation, Creativity and Science Learning Achievement



This research was aimed to find out: (1) the influence; (2) the influence difference; (3) the learning strategies that are more influential between task publication through STAD and without task publication through a group learning on cooperation, creativity, and science learning achievement. This was quasi experiment using counter balance design. This research population was all grade VIII students. Two classes were established as the sample using purposive sampling technique. The instruments for data collection were observation guidelines of cooperation, creativity tests, and a science learning achievement test. One sample t-test was used to determine the influence of both learning strategies, MANOVA test was performed to determine the influence difference between these two learning strategies, and univariate t-test to determine the learning strategies that were more influential on their respective dependent variables. The research results are as follows: (1) the task publication through STAD influences cooperation, creativity, and science learning achievement; (2) there is influence difference between task publication through STAD and without task publication through a group learning on cooperation, creativity and science learning achievement; (3) task publication through STAD is more influential than without task publication through a group learning on cooperation, creativity, and science learning achievement.

Keywords: task publication, STAD, cooperation, creativity, science learning achievement


publikasi tugas; STAD; kerja sama; kreativitas; prestasi belajar IPA

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