The role of academic self-efficacy and school well-being on adjustment of first year university student
Budi Andayani, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Adjustment of first year college student is argued as one of the hardest adjustment of a student in their lifetime. This quantitative study examines the contribution of academic self-efficacy toward their adjustment, moderated by their subjective perception of their educational institution’s well-being, named as school well-being. Research would be conducted using three scales (adjustment scale, academic self-efficacy scale, and school well-being scale), in a real setting. Participants were 451 students from 9 department of Faculty S, one of faculty from one of the most prestigious university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The hypothesis was school well-being and academic self-efficacy would predict the successfulness of first year adjustment. Our findings conclude that school well-being and academic self-efficacy both predicts the score of student’s adjustment. Academic self-efficacy contributes 32,29% of first year college student’s adjustment, and ScWB contributes another 15,68% of it.
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