Keefektifan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah pada bangun ruang sisi datar ditinjau dari penguasaan SK, motivasi, dan minat siswa SMP
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah dan keefektifan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran langsung pada pembelajaran bangun ruang sisi datar ditinjau dari ketercapaian standar kompetensi, motivasi, dan minat belajar di SMP.Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan pretest-posttest nonequivalent group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Negeri 4 Kertosono, kabupaten Nganjuk dan diambil secara acak dua kelas sebagai sampel yaitu kelas VIII-E dan VIII-H. Untuk menguji keefektifan pembelajaran, dianalisis menggunakan uji one sample t-test. Untuk menguji bahwa pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah lebih efektif dari pada pembelajaran langsung, dianalisis menggunakan MANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan uji t-Benferroni dan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan dianalisis menggunakan uji score gain ternormalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah efektif dan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran langsung, serta rata-rata skor gain ternormalisasi pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah lebih tinggi daripada pembelajaran langsung ditinjau dari penguasaan standar kompetensi, motivasi, dan minat belajar siswa SMP.
Kata Kunci: keefektifan, pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah, ketercapaian standar kompetensi, motivasi belajar, minat belajar, bangun ruang sisi datar
The Effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning on Plane Solid Figure in Terms of Mastery of Competency Standard, Learning Motivation and Learning Interest of Junior High School Students
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the problem-based learning approach and problem-based learning approach compared with direct instruction approach in a plane solid figure in terms of achievement of competency standard, learning motivation and learning interest of junior high school students. This study was a quasi-experimental study employing the pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The research population comprised years VIII students in SMP Negeri 4 Kertosono, Nganjuk Regency and two classes, class VIII-E and VIII-H were randomly selected as the research sample. To test the effectiveness of the problem-based learning approach, the one sample t-test were used. Then, to test the more effectiveness of the problem-based learning approach than the direct instruction approach, the MANOVA was carried out and then continued by the t-Bonferroni test, and to describe increase the data were analyzed using the normalized gain score. The result of the study show that the problem-based learning approach effective and the problem-based learning approach is more effective than the direct instruction approach, and the means normalized score gain the problem-based learning approach is more than direct instruction approach in term of achievement of competency standard, learning motivation, and learning interest of elementary Scholl students.
Keywords: effectiveness, problem-based learning, achievement of competency standard, motivation learning, learning interest, plane solid figure
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