Development of Chemistry in Context E-book on Chemistry Subject Grade XI of Senior High School for Facing Literacy and Numerical Competency Assessment

Elfina Salsabila, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Rr. Lis Permana Sari, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


This research aimed to develop an e-book titled "Chemistry in Context" for Grade XI Senior High School students. The study assessed the e-book's quality across nine aspects: conceptual accuracy in chemistry and science, relevance of chemistry in discourse, content material, construction of questions, language and cultural appropriateness, e-book design, usability instructions, literacy components, and numerical aspects. The development process followed the 4D Model, encompassing Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages.The outcome of this research is a comprehensive e-book comprising 30 discourse units and Minimum Competency Assessment questions designed to enhance literacy and numerical skills among Grade XI students. Evaluation by reviewers yielded an average score of 182 out of a maximum of 205 points, translating to an impressive 88.78% rating, indicating the e-book's high suitability for educational use.


Minimum Competency Assessment, chemistry in context, e-book, development

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