
Issue Title
Vol 3, No 2: October 2017 Developing of module challenge based learning in environmental material to empower the critical thinking ability Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Sulton Nawawi
Vol 8, No 2: Oktober 2022 Effectiveness of discovery learning-based multiple representation module on enhancing the critical thinking skills of the students with high and low science process skills Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Muhammad Minan Chusni
Vol 8, No 1: April 2022 Manga versus webtoon: Alternative science learning module based on Dr Stone Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Kiki Septaria, Atika Fatharani
Vol 5, No 1: April 2019 Modul pembelajaran problem-based learning berbasis lahan basah untuk mempersiapkan calon pendidik berwawasan lingkungan lahan basah Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Rilia Iriani, Anna Herlina, Yudha Irhasyuarna, Rahmat Eko Sanjaya
Vol 4, No 1: April 2018 Pengembangan modul pop-up berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada tema tata surya untuk kelas VII SMP Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Mia Novita Ningrum, Novi Ratna Dewi, Parmin Parmin
Vol 4, No 1: April 2018 Pengembangan modul biologi berbasis pondok pesantren untuk menanamkan sikap spiritual dan kemandirian siswa Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Nunung Susanti, Djukri Djukri
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