PEMENTASAN TEATER INDONESIA 2001-2005 (Analisis Rubrik Teater Majalah Tempo)

Nurhadi -, FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This article describes titles of drama scripts or theatre performances in Indonesia
reviewed in Tempo in 2001-2005. The data resources were review articles on theatres in the
magazine recorded in a compact disc. The data were collected by sorting all the articles,
categorizing them based on the problems, reading them carefully, and making notes on
them. The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative technique. The findings
showed that theatre performances in Indonesia reviewed in Tempo in 2001-2005 included:
11 foreign scripts, 7 translation scripts, 8 adaptation scripts, 29 purely Indonesian scripts,
2 Javanese scripts, and 7 articles on theatres. The number of foreign, translation, and
adaptation scripts was 26. This number was almost the same as that of purely Indonesian
scripts (and Javanese scripts) which was 31, so that the ratio was 26:31. The findings
showed that Tempo, in terms of its theatre orientation, reviewed domestic and foreign
theatres equally.
Keywords: theatre performance, theatre column, review, Tempo magazine.

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