Wiyatmi -, FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This article is about a study describing several writers' perspectives
toward the phenomenon of polygamy based on some novels of theirs and the
ideology of feminism serving as the background of the perspectives. The novels
studied are Fira Basuki's Biru, Abidah Al-Khalieqy's Geni Jora and Perempuan
Berkalung Surban, and Dewi Sartika's Dadaisme.
The result of the study indicates the following. (1) There are three patterns
of polygamy in the novels. The polygamy in Al-Khalieqy's Geni Jora and Sartika's
Dadaisme is conducted openly with the first wife's permission, her inability to
have a baby being the cause, and both wives have good mutual relationship. The
polygamy in Al-Khalieqy's Perempuan Berkalung Surban is also conducted
openly but with the first wife forced to give permission, the husband not living in
harmony with the first wife and having a love affair resulting in the other woman's
pregnancy being the cause, and the wives do not have good mutual relationship.
The polygamy in Fira Basuki's Biru is hidden polygamy, that is, without the first
wife's permission, with her relationship with the second wife not being good and
that with her husband not having been good, either, causing him to commit the
adultery. (2) Based on the novels, the writers' perspectives toward polygamy are as
follows. Abidah Al-Khalieqy's views polygamy as an emergency and it can be
conducted with some requirements being met, among which are economical
condition and a sense of justice, which are to be seriously considered. If the
husband cannot fulfil the requirements, disharmonious relationship will occur,
resulting in divorce. Fira Basuki tends to reject polygamy, viewing the husband
concerned as doing some injustice. The possible resulting hate in the first wife
toward her husband and the second wife may result in conflict and divorce. Dewi
Sartika allows polygamy, depicting characters who can love more than one person
(and consequently commit adultery). (3) There are two streams of feminism
serving as the background of the writers' perspectives: radical feminism, reflected
in the works of Al-Khalieqy and Fira Basuki, and liberal feminism, reflected in the
work of Dewi Sartika. Radical feminism views polygamy as a form of male
domination over females that results in family problems. Liberal feminism tends
to allow polygamy as a form of patriarchal domination; those committing
polygamy do not always have problems resulting from it and polygamy can be a
solution for the problem of not being able to have a child from the first wife.
Keywords: polygamy, female writers, feminism

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