The translation of conceptual metaphor in political news

Siriam Siriam, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Susana Widyastuti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Metaphorical expressions (MEs) are abundant in political text and their translation ‎poses challenges particularly for retaining the implicit meaning. This research focuses on examining the use of conceptual metaphors (CMs) ‎in Indonesian ‎political news and their English translation. The objectives ‎ are to identify types and the source domain of CMs and to explain how the CMs are translated.‎ ‎Grounding on mixed-methods, the data were metaphorical expressions in ‎ the Indonesian and English versions of Tempo weekly magazines in April, May, and June in 2021. Metaphor Identification Procedure  (MIP) was ‎applied to determine the metaphoricity of metaphors in the STs and Indonesian dictionary (KBBI) was also employed to avoid intuition ‎decision-making. ‎The results indicate that CMs are commonly used in ‎political news in order to popularize, concretize, and dramatize issues. Structural metaphors are found ‎as the most dominant type and twenty source domains are found ‎in the STs with war metaphor as the most significant domain. In terms of the translation, the study demonstrates that non ‎metaphorical translation is the most frequently used technique to render metaphors ‎into English TT. As a result, the translation reduces the ‎metaphoric function of the original expressions.

Keywords: political news, conceptual metaphor, translation technique


berita politik, metafora konseptual, teknik penerjemahan

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