Rukiyati Rukiyati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Pendidikan moral di sekolah perlu dilaksanakan secara bersungguh-sungguh untuk
membangun generasi bangsa yang berkualitas. Walaupun peran utama untuk mendidik
moral anak adalah di tangan orang tua mereka, guru di sekolah juga berperan besar untuk
mewujudkan moral peserta didik yang seharusnya. Keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat
bersama-sama bertanggung jawab untuk mendidik anak-anak muda agar bermoral baik
sekaligus pintar secara intelektual sehingga terwujud generasi muda yang unggul. Itulah
tujuan utama pendidikan sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Aristoteles. Pendidikan moral di
sekolah harus dirancang komprehensif mencakup berbagai aspek, yaitu: pendidik, materi,
metode, dan evaluasi sehingga hasilnya diharapkan akan optimal.


Moral education in schools needs to be carried out seriously to build a quality
generation of the nation. Although the main role of educating children's morals is in the
hands of their parents, teachers in schools also play a major role in realizing the moral of
the students they should be. Families, schools, and communities are jointly responsible for
educating young people to be morally good and intellectually smart so that they excel as a
human being. That is the main purpose of education as stated by Aristotle. Moral
education in schools must be designed comprehensively covering various aspects, namely:
educators, materials, methods, and evaluations so that the results are expected to be


educational goals, moral values, school, comprehensive

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