Akmal Hamsa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


Changes in the educational system in Indonesia aim to meet the demands of the
era, including the science and technology, economic, social, political advancements and
society’s structure. Education functions as an accelerator for such advancements so that it
requires ideal programs. Subject matter teachers are expected to be able to understand and
implement such programs in order to attain the advancements. However, in practice, there
are a lot of constraints. Some constraints concern the human resources and this results in
education of low quality. Such constraints can be overcome through a policy and strategy
focusing on decentralization and autonomy in education. It is necessary to improve teacher
professionalism by eliminating obstacles through teacher trainings to get rid of personal,
economic, structural, social, and cultural constraints. To do so, it needs the government’s
political will, teacher commitment, and society involvement.
Keywords: improvement, professionalism

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