Sulis Triyono, FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This article is an introduction to the basic concept of using the modality of
k nnen 'can' in German sentences. The k nnen unit of modality functions to reveal
the speaker's attitude and has the status of a verb modifier. Modality is divided in
function by some linguists into different areas like epistemic modality, modalitymarking
adverb, and deciderative and optative mode devices.
On the basis of the results of a study conducted, it could be concluded that
the modality unit of können 'can' in a sentence in German has the characteristics as
follows: (1) it is merely an attributive element in a verb phrase rather than a core
one so that if deleted the sentence remains grammatical, (2) its relation to any other
element is loose in nature, and (3) its position is so firm that it cannot be permutated
with any other element in a sentence. In addition, in sentences the können modality
varies in meaning according to sentence context. The meaning expressed by the
können modality can be of possibility, ability, or permission.
Keywords: the können modality

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