Paulus Kurnianta, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Septiana Dwiputri Maharani, Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


(Title: Axiological Reflections on Noam Chomsky’s and M.A.K Halliday’s
Language Theories). This article is meant to philosophically reflect Chomsky’s and Halliday’s language theories by focusing on the axiological dimension of their theoretical constructs, that is, what are the hidden values therein. To draw basic sketches of their theoretical constructs, their ontological and epistemological assumption are explored. Furthermore, Gruenberg’s axiological scheme is adopted to discuss them. From the chains of reflection, it is found that in Chomsky’s the positive pole of human­language relation exists in language with internal, mental, logical-objective, formal, neutral, innate, certain, transparent, stable, alogarithmic and closed or un-contextual characteristics. The superior language is scientific, positivistic and logical language. Meanwhile, in Halliday’s the positive pole exists in language with practical, external, semiotical, social, cultural, participatory, concrete, critical, dynamic, discursive, authentic, interpretative and open or contextual. The superior language is authentic language which is rich of signification.

Key words: axiology, language theory, Chomsky, Halliday


axiology, language theory, Chomsky, Halliday

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