Author Guidelines

Types of paper

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: Original Research paper, Review article, Commentary, Opinion paper, Feature article, Short communication/original culinary concept. Please see descriptions below in the Article Structure section. Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type from this list.

Writing Rules

The designated language for all submissions to the Journal is Bahasa Indonesia and English. The Editorial Board reserves the right to suggest language modifications during the evaluation stage of any submitted work. Publication of an accepted manuscript will only proceed after translating, comprehensive proofreading, and linguistic refinement into English.

Manuscripts are to be exclusively submitted via Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, a platform designed to assist authors, editors, and reviewers throughout the entire editorial journey.

Adherence to the following manuscript preparation guidelines is mandatory for authors:

The submitted manuscripts must encompass a minimum of 3000 words and maximum of 6000 words including references, appendices, tables, and figures. Submissions under 3000 words will not be accepted for review.

It is imperative that all manuscripts submitted to JCTE are formatted in accordance with the JCTE Template. Non-conforming submissions will be redirected to the author(s) for reformatting.

Manuscripts are to be submitted as a MSWord document. Submissions received in PDF format will be returned to the author.

Manuscripts must comply with the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual for both citations within the text and at the document's end (refer to or

Submitted works should not include any author-identifying information. Post the blind-review process, authors will be expected to provide a final copy inclusive of author details, biodata, and photograph.

The Editor in Chief will reject any manuscript that fails to meet the stipulated requirements or is otherwise judged as unfit for publication, sending it back to the author(s) for revision.

Prior to submission, authors should familiarize themselves with the "Ethical Standards and Publication Procedures".

The accuracy of particulars such as author names, affiliations, titles, and so on, is the sole responsibility of the authors.


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Manuscript Template

Download the word file here.