Culinary economic and social impacts of mega-sporting events: A comprehensive literature review


  • Ari Septiyanto Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



This comprehensive literature review examines the culinary economic and social impacts of mega-sporting events, focusing on their multifaceted effects on host cities and communities. Mega-sporting events such as the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup can drive significant economic growth through increased tourism, job creation, and local business stimulation, particularly within the culinary sector. The influx of visitors during these events boosts demand for food services, leading to higher revenues and expanded offerings by local culinary businesses. Furthermore, these events foster community engagement, cultural exchange, and public health promotion by showcasing local culinary traditions and promoting healthier eating habits.

However, hosting such events also presents challenges, including high infrastructure costs, economic disparities, and environmental sustainability concerns. Strategic planning, sustainable practices, and leveraging technology are crucial to addressing these challenges and maximizing the positive impacts of culinary services. Case studies from past events, such as the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympics, illustrate the importance of local sourcing and cultural representation in achieving economic and social benefits.

In conclusion, mega-sporting events offer substantial opportunities for economic and social transformation through their culinary impacts. By adopting comprehensive strategies that emphasize sustainability, community engagement, and public health, stakeholders can harness these events to create enriching and sustainable experiences for host communities and international visitors alike.


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How to Cite

Septiyanto, A. (2024). Culinary economic and social impacts of mega-sporting events: A comprehensive literature review. Journal of Culinary Technology and Education (JCTE), 1(1), 77–90.