- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
- Publication Frequency
- Screening for Plagiarism Policy
- Withdrawal of Manuscripts
- Author Fees
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan is a high quality open access peer reviewed journal that is published by Faculty of Education, Universitas negeri Yogyakarta. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, and case studies. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, review papers, analytical and simulation models in any topic of education areas.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts are examined by the editorial staff. Those manuscripts that appeared to be inappropriate to journal criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Potential manuscripts are sent for blind review to two reviewers. The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers’s recommendation from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
This is the statement of ethics for Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan published by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This statement was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and covers the code of ethics for chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers and authors.
Authors need to uphold publication ethics if they wish to publish their scientific works in the publication. The publication ethics is as follows:
- Morality: recognize code, system of rules of what is right or wrong in research and publication and to behave accordingly.
- Scientific integrity: uphold the rules, the nature and the scientific truthworthiness.
- Honesty: conduct research in sincere manner, do not involve in any allegations, frauds, or misconduct; report research results accurately, objectively, promptly and do not contain false or misleading data.
The ethic norms that must hold by the Authors who wish to publish their scientific research on the JPIP (Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan), as follows:
- The authors have to uphold the scientific conduct, understanding the risks and benefits of their publication paper.
- The article is free from misconduct behaviour, include: fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or auto-plagiarism.
- The author require to follow appropriate citation in the all statements, ideas, and which are not their original research results.
- The article is relevant to the JPIP (Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan) topic areas.
- The article do not produced any conflicts of interest or potential cause with any certain parties.
- The authors that listed in the published articles are truly competent and have significant contribution in the related fields.
- Republishing articles or parts of articles, submitting to one or more journals at the same time or using text or images without permission is not allowed.
Duties of Reviewers
- Must disclose any competing interest before agreeing to review a submission.
- Can refuse to review any submission due to a conflict of interest or inadequate knowledge.
- Review all submissions objectively, fairly and professionally.
- Reveal any ethical misconduct encountered while reviewing to the Chief Editor for further action.
- Should ensure the originality of a submission and be alert to any plagiarism and redundant publication.
- Must not discuss the content of the submission without permission.
- Adhere to the time allocated for the review process. Requests for extension to review the submission is at the discretion of the Chief Editor.
Duties of Editorial Tim Members
- Actively contribute to the development and the greater good of the journal.
- Act as ambassadors for the journal.
- Continuously support and promote the journal.
- Review any work assigned to them.
Duties of Editors in Chief
- Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit.
- Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process.
- Has the responsibility to decide when and which articles are to be published.
- Actively seek the views of board members, reviewers and authors on how to improve/ increase the image and visibility of the journal.
- Give clear instructions to potential contributors on the submission process and what is expected of the authors.
- Ensure appropriate reviewers are selected/ identified for the reviewing process.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan is a journal published online twice a year in March and September
Screening for Plagiarism Policy
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan has a policy of screening for plagiarism. We use Anti-Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity article
Withdrawal of Manuscripts
Author is not allowed to withdraw submitted manuscripts, because the withdrawal is waste of valuable resources that editors and referees spent a great deal of time processing submitted manuscript, and works invested by the publisher.
If author still requests withdrawal of his/her manuscript when the manuscript is still in the peer-reviewing process, author will be punished with paying Rp500.000,- per manuscript, as withdrawal penalty to the publisher. However, it is unethical to withdraw a submitted manuscript from one journal if accepted by another journal.
The withdrawal of manuscript after the manuscript is accepted for publication, author will be punished by paying Rp1.000.000,- per manuscript. Withdrawal of manuscript is only allowed after withdrawal penalty has been fully paid to the Publisher. If author don't agree to pay the penalty, the author and his/her affiliation will be blacklisted for publication in this journal. Even, his/her previously published articles will be removed from our online system.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan does not charge any publication fee for the author(s)