Scopus Citedness

Kurnia, N., & Astuti, S. I. (2017). Peta gerakan literasi digital di Indonesia: studi tentang pelaku, ragam kegiatan, kelompok sasaran dan mitra. Informasi47(2), 149-166.

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2)    Rahayu, N. W., & Haningsih, S. (2021). Digital parenting competence of mother as informal educator is not inline with internet access. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction29, 100291.


3)    Suwarto, D. H., Setiawan, B., & Machmiyah, S. (2022). Developing digital literacy practices in Yogyakarta elementary schools. Electronic Journal of e-Learning20(2), pp101-111.


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4) The Fragmentation of Indonesian Film Audience. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication Jilid 37(1) 2021: 74-87


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5)    Suwana, F. (2021). Content, changers, community and collaboration: Expanding digital media literacy initiatives. Media Practice and Education22(2), 153-170.


6)    Rusydiyah, E. F. (2020). Social education through digital literacy among Indonesian female muslim activists: the experience of Abdurrahman Wahid’s daughters. Journal of Indonesian Islam14(1), 210-247.


7)    Chongthanavanit, P., & Kantamera, P. (2017). How the Corporate Culture Impacts Company Performance: A Case Study of a Dental Clinic in Thailand. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research4(3), 178-204.


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