Keefektifan Model STAD dan Direct Learning Berdasarkan Prestasi dan Minat Belajar Matematika Materi Kesebangunan Bangun Datar

Ismanto Ismanto, SMP Negeri 1 Tepus Gunungkidul, Indonesia
Hartono Hartono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran  kooperatif model Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) dengan pembelajaran langsung (direct learning) pada materi kesebangunan bangun datar ditinjau dari prestasi dan  minat  belajar, (2) membandingkan keefektifan antara pembelajaran kooperatif model STAD dan direct learning. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari empat kelas, sedangkan sampel terdiri dari dua kelas yang dipilih secara acak dengan siswa sebanyak 64 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah instrumen tes prestasi dan angket minat belajar. Analisis data (statistik inferensial) meliputi: (1) uji t one sample, (2) analisis multivariat dengan Hotelling’s Trace, dan (3) uji lanjut dengan Equal Variances assumed dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pembelajaran model STAD dan direct learning efektif ditinjau dari prestasi dan minat belajar matematika siswa dan  (2) pembelajaran model STAD lebih efektif daripada direct learning ditinjau dari minat  belajar matematika siswa, tetapi tidak lebih efektif bila ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika siswa.

Kata kunci: Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), pembelajaran langsung (direct learning), prestasi, dan minat belajar matematika siswa.


The Effectiveness of the STAD and Direct Learning Models in Terms of Learning Achievement and Interest in Mathematics for Topic of Plane Figure Similarity



The aims of this research were to describe the effectiveness of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model and direct learning in mathematics learning for topic of plane figure similarity in terms of learning achievement and interest in mathematics and compare both of them. This was a quasi-experimental study. The research population comprised four classes. The research sample consisted of two classes, which were randomly selected. The research instruments were an achievement test and a learning interest questionnaire. The data analysis included: (1) one sample t-test, (2) multivariate analysis using Hotelling’s Trace, and (3) a post hoc test using Equal Variances Assumed with significance level of 5%. The results of the study showed that: (1) the STAD and direct learning models were effective in terms of the students’ mathematics learning achievement and interest and (2) the STAD learning model is more effective than direct learning model in terms of the students’ mathematics learning interest, but it wasn’t as effective based on the students’ mathematics learning achievement.

Keywords: STAD learning model, direct learning, students’ mathematics learning achievement and  interest


STAD learning model; direct learning; students’ mathematics learning achievement and interest

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