Keefektifan problem posing dan problem solving ditinjau dari ketercapaian kompetensi, metode, dan sikap matematis

Ahmad Nasrullah, , Indonesia
Marsigit Marsigit, Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan membandingkan keefektifan pembelajaran problem posing dan  problem solving ditinjau dari ketercapaian kompetensi dasar, metode matematis, dan sikap matematis siswa SMA. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain Nonequivalent (Pretest and Posttest) group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Sakra Lombok Timur yang terdiri dari tujuh kelas. Dari tujuh kelas tersebut, dipilih secara acak dua kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. 1). Pendekatan problem posing dan problem solving efektif ditinjau dari ketercapaian kompetensi dasar, metode matematis, dan sikap  matematis siswa SMA. 2). Ada perbedaan keefektifan pendekatan problem posing dan problem solving ditinjau dari ketiga variabel dependen secara simultan. 3). Pendekatan problem solving lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pendekatan  problem posingditinjau dari ketercapaian kompetensi dasar dan kemampuan metode matematis. 4). Tidak ada perbedaan keefektifan kedua pendekatan pembelajaran ditinjau dari sikap  matematis siswa SMA.

Kata Kunci: pendekatan problem posing, problem solving, ketercapaian kompetensi dasar, metode matematis, sikap matematis siswa.


The effectiveness of problem posing and problem solving in terms of basic competence attainment, mathematical method, and mathematical attitude



This study aims to describe and compare the effectiveness of problem posing and problem solving approaches in terms of mathematics basic competence attainment, mathematical method, and mathematical attitude of senior high school students. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the nonequivalent pretest and posttest group design. The population was the  X grade students of State Senior High School 1 of Sakra Lombok Timur that consisted of seven classes. The sample was two classes selected randomly from all Year X classes. The results of the study are as follows. 1) Problem posing and problem solving approaches are effective in terms of the mathematics basic competence attainment, mathematical method and mathematical attitude of Senior Hogh School students. 2) There is a different effect of problem posing and problem solving approaches on all dependent variables simultaneously. 3) Problem solving approach is more effective than problem posing in terms of the basic competence attainment and mathematical method. 4) There is no different effect of problem posing and problem solving approaches in terms of student mathematical attitude.

Keywords: problem posing approach, problem solving approach, mathematics basic competence attainment, mathematical method, mathematical attitude.


pendekatan problem posing; problem solving; ketercapaian kompetensi dasar; metode matematis; sikap matematis siswa

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