Pilihan Layanan Multikanal Wajib Pajak

Dhian Adhetiya Safitra, Polytechnic State of Finance STAN, Indonesia
Hanik Susilawati Muamarah, Polytechnic State of Finance STAN
Rahadi Nugroho, Polytechnic State of Finance STAN, Indonesia



The current tax service channel allows taxpayers to access online services. However, online services are not always the taxpayer's choice. This study aims to determine the preferences of the tax service channel selection. Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with 7 (seven) informants. The results show that there are several preference groups for service channels [1] click (online) channel is preferred for basic information search, [2] conversation application for information on procedure/rule changes, and [3] counter for application troubleshooting information. All taxpayers choose the call channel as their last preference.   DJP can optimize the role of the community as a partner in providing tax-related information through community coalition action. The community can be a complement to tax officers in providing correct information about taxes. The channels that can be used are click and counter. However, a gradual tax education mechanism is needed for community members, so that the information they convey is precise and accurate.

Keywords: click,call, counter, multichannel, services, tax


Kanal layanan pajak saat ini, dirancang agar wajib pajak mengakses layanan online. Namun layanan online tidak selalu menjadi pilihan wajib pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi pemilihan kanal layanan pajak. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara kepada 7 (tujuh) informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa kelompok preferensi kanal layanan yaitu [1] kanal click (online) lebih dipilih untuk pencarian informasi dasar, [2] aplikasi percakapan untuk informasi perubahan prosedur/aturan, dan [3] counter untuk informasi pemecahan masalah aplikasi. Seluruh wajib pajak memilih kanal call sebagai preferensi terakhir.   DJP dapat mengoptimalkan peran komunitas sebagai mitra untuk memberikan informasi terkait pajak melalui community coalition action. Komunitas dapat menjadi pelengkap petugas pajak dalam memberikan informasi yang tepat mengenai pajak. Kanal yang dapat digunakan adalah click dan counter. Namun, perlu mekanisme edukasi pajak secara bertahap terhadap anggota komunitas, agar informasi yang mereka sampaikan tepat dan akurat.

Kata Kunci: Click, Call, Counter, Layanan Multikanal, Pajak

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/nominal.v12i2.59070


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