Sri Hardianti Sartika, Universitas Siliwangi, Indonesia
Betanika Nila Nirbita, Universitas Siliwangi, Indonesia


Abstrak: Prokrastinasi akademik memberikan efek negatif pada pembelajaran namun perilaku yang sering dialami mahasiswa dalam kegiatan akademik. Tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh Pandemi Covid-19 dapat berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan perilaku prokrastinasi dalam kegiatan akademik. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji perilaku prokrastinasi akademik yang dilakukan mahasiswa calon guru selama masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan pendekatan kualitatif interpretative. Partisipan yang terlibat sebanyak 441 mahasiswa berbagai jurusan di FKIP, Universitas Siliwangi. Data dikumpulkan melalui survey dengan kuesioner googleform menggunakan instrumen yang diadopsi dari Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) McCloskey dan Scielzo. Data dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan presentase dari setiap indikator. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa calon guru selama masa Pandemi Covid-19 menggunakan enam indikator yaitu keyakinan psikologis, gangguan perhatian, faktor sosial, kemampuan dalam manajemen waktu, inisiatif pribadi, serta rasa malas termasuk pada kategori sedang dengan skor 55,14%. Kategori tersebut menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa mampu beradapatasi dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh secara online.

Abstract: Academic procrastination has negative effect on the learning process, but the behavior is often experienced by students in academic activities. Challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic can contribute to increasing procrastination behavior in academic activities. Main focus of this research is to examine the behavior of academic procrastination carried out by prospective teacher students during the Covid-19 pandemic with an interpretative qualitative approach. The participants involved were 441 students from various majors at FKIP, Siliwangi University. Data collected by means of a survey through a googleform questionnaire with instruments adopted from the Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) McCloskey and Scielzo. The data  analyzed by calculating the percentage of each indicator and analyzing it in depth. The research found that the academic procrastination behavior of prospective teacher students during Covid-19 pandemic use six indicators, namely psychological beliefs, attention disorders, social factors, time management skills, personal initiative, and laziness included in the moderate category with a score of 55.14%. This category shows that students are able to adapt to online distance learning.


Prokrastinasi Akdemik; Mahasiswa; Pandemi Covid-19

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