Bambang Prastio, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Istiqomah Nurzafira, State University of Malang, Indonesia
A. Syukur Ghazali, State University of Malang, Indonesia
Yuni Pratiwi, State University of Malang, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to describe the patterns and functions of questions expressed in conversational implicature found in market transactions. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. And conversation analysis was applied to determine question patterns, while conversational implicature was to examine question functions. The research data was collected in the form of recorded and transcripted conversations along with the corresponding situations or contexts. The data of this research was primarily obtained from both sellers and buyers in Way Halim Market, Lampung, Indonesia, and it was gathered by listening and taking notes. This study showed that there were six types of question patterns found in such transactions that contained conversational implicature, namely (1) yes/no question for asking, (2) tag question for rejecting and ordering (3) declarative question for ordering, (4) alternative question for asking, (5) wh-question for asking and sugesting, and (6) rhetorical question for rejecting. The results also indicated that the sellers used persuasive implied questions more often than the buyers. These questions functioned to persuade buyers politely to make purchase.
Keywords: question patterns, implicature, market transactions

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pola dan fungsi tuturan pertanyaan yang disampaikan dalam implikatur percakapan ketika melakukan transaksi jual beli. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun jenis penelitian dalam menganalisis data menggunakan analisis percakapan untuk menentukan pola pertanyaan dan implikatur percakapan untuk menentukan fungsi tuturan pertanyaan. Data penelitian berupa tuturan percakapan hasil rekaman yang telah ditranskrip serta situasi atau konteks percakapan yang melatarbelakangi peristiwa tersebut. Sumber data penelitian ini diperoleh dari para pedagang dan pembeli di Pasar Way Halim, Provinsi Lampung, Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dan metode catat. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan enam bentuk pola pertanyaan dalam transaksi jual beli yang mengandung implikatur percakapan, yaitu (1) yes/no question fungsi meminta, (2) tag question fungsi menolak dan menyuruh (3) declarative question fungsi menyuruh, (4) alternative question fungsi meminta, (5) wh-question fungsi meminta dan menyarankan, dan (6) rhetorical question fungsi menolak. Dari data yang ditemukan, penjual lebih sering menggunakan tuturan pertanyaan bersifat persuasif dengan makna yang disampaikan secara tidak langsung kepada pembeli. Fungsi penggunaan tuturan persuasif tersebut yakni penjual terlihat memiliki kesantunan sehingga mempengaruhi pembeli dengan harapan akan terjadi transaksi jual beli.
Kata kunci: pola pertanyaan, implikatur, transaksi jual-beli


Question Patterns, Implicature, Market Transactions

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