Ngenger tradition and ideology transformation in inter-cultural communication

Anang Masduki, Shanghai University, China
Dani Fadillah, School of Communication and Journalism, Nanjing Normal University, China
Fajar Dwi Putra, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


In Tempurejo, Ngawi, between the 1960s and 1970s, many Ponorogo residents chose to ngenger. Ngenger is living and working sincerely, not paying to a household of someone whose position is much higher in dignity, degree, and education. Children who come to ngenger the background are poor and have the ideology of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) mass organization or abangan. After finishing ngenger, the majority turned into Muhammadiyah activists and developed Muhammadiyah in Ponorogo. From the above problems, this study intends to reveal, First, the process of planting Muhammadiyah ideology. Secondly, there is an ideological transformation. This research was conducted in Ngawi and Ponorogo with qualitative descriptive methods. In-depth interviews, observation, and documentation of extracted data. The study results are the regeneration process carried out first; they see Muhammadiyah as an open, modern, professional organization. Second, families are open-minded and not doctrine. Third, the exemplary of educators and community leaders who have sincerity, the spirit of struggle, and the principle of the emphasis on the importance of Islamic da'wah. The ideological transition from originally an abangan Islam and NU to Muhammadiyah was because as long as the ngenger were introduced to Muhammadiyah organizations that were tolerant, open, modern, professional, and egalitarian.


Ngenger, ideological transformation, Muhammadiyah

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Interview with Misnu, a ngenger person at 5 June 2019

Interview with Imron, a Ngenger person, on 28 June 2019

Interview with Misnu, a ngenger person at 7 July 2019

Interview with Maskur, a landlady person at 13 June 2019

Interview with Sudiono, a Ngenger person, on 14 June 2019

Interview with Marwanto, a ngenger person on 10 July 2019

Interview with Suparni, a ngenger person at 20 July 2019

Interview with Kuswartini, the wife of Asmaun (a person of ngenger) at 3 Agust 2019

Interviuw with Mrs. Anwar, the landlady of ngenger at 16 July 2019

Interview with Amat, a person of Ngenger, on 22 July 2019

Interview with Murodi, a ngenger person on 24 July 2019



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