Students' Onto-Semiotic Approach in Solving Mathematics Problems
Elena Susianti, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia
Riawan Yudi Purwoko, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia
This study aims to identify and analyze the stages of students' onto-semiotic approach to solving mathematical problems. This research is based on the mathematical object of the onto-semiotic approach, namely language, concepts, propositions, procedures, situations, and arguments. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological type. The research subjects were high school students of eleventh grade. The technique of taking the subject is using a purposeful sampling technique. The research instrument used a test in the form of a linear program description question. The results of the study show that the onto-semiotic approach contains language stages including changing contextual objects into variables, writing mathematical symbols, writing mathematical models, and others; the concept stage includes students creating and filling in tables by grouping the objects in the problem to make it easier to solve mathematical problems; the proposition stage consists of the reasons students cannot replace variables; the procedure stage include simplifying coefficients and constants, how to get the value of each variable, and others; the situation stage includes writing a mathematical model that will be used to find the value of each variable, find the point of intersection of the line, and others.
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