Hasan Ismail, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Fuad Indra Kusuma, Study Program of Bachelor of Applied Technology in Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Moch Harly, Study Program of Bachelor of Applied Technology in Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Vocational, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Mohd Zakaria B Mohammad Nasir, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia


A steer-by-wire (SBW) system with linear sensors has been developed and implemented on a small electric vehicle (EV). This system comprises a steering wheel, an angle and torque sensor, a wheel angle feedback sensor, an electric motor actuator, linkages, and a controller. It is specifically designed to electrically control the wheel angles without utilizing a conventional steering gearbox. The electric actuator motor is mounted on the steering mechanism and directly connected to the left and right wheel knuckles via linkages. Two linear sensors are employed: one located on the steering wheel to generate steering wheel angle signal , and the other installed on the wheel knuckle mechanism to produce front wheel angle feedback signal . When the driver rotates the steering wheel, the controller calculates the pitch error based on inputs from the two linear sensors and subsequently adjusts the wheel angles by powering the electric motor actuator. Experimental testing revealed a response time of 0.3 seconds, with the pitch error maintained within an angle of less than 3° during straight-motion tests. During cornering motion tests, the measured backlash was approximately 0.06 rad, demonstrating the system's responsive performance. This SBW technology with linear sensors is anticipated to reduce system complexity while enhancing precision, accuracy, and response speed of wheel angle adjustments to steering inputs, effectively meeting driving requirements.


steer-by-wire, linear sensor, small electric vehicle, straight and cornering test motions.

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