Triatmanto Triatmanto, uny, Indonesia
Atik Kurniawati, uny, Indonesia
Kegiatan PPM ini bertujuan melatih guru IPA SD Kecamatan Kalibawang mampu mengembangkan RPP, kisi-kisi dan item untuk meningkatkan kreativitas peseerta didik. Kegiatan PPM ini dilaksanakan dengan ceramah, tanya jawab, dan praktik. Kegiatan praktik meliputi (a) penulisan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), penggunaan LKPD serta item pengukurnya. Pertemuan kegiatan pendampingan dengan menyajikan hasil pembelajaran dan hasil pengukurannya. Kegiatan diikuti 20 guru yang merupakan perwakilan setiap sekolah dasar yang ada di Kecamatan Kalibawang. Hasil yang dicapai pada pertemuan pertama belum ada guru yang berhasil disusun RPP, LKS, dan kisi-kisi serta item. Pada pertemuan kedua, ada lima guru berhasil menyusun RPP, LKS dan kisi-kisi serta item. Hingga akhirnya disepakati diadakan pertemuan ketiga sebagai pertemuan tambahan. Pda pertemuan ketiga ada tambahan 5 peserta yang berhasil menyelesaikan semua perangkat pembelajaran. Pada pertemuan ketiga, ada 17 guru yang melaporkan hasil pengukuran kreativitas dan cara penskorannya. Untuk penulisan soal dan cara penskoran, ada 5 guru yang tidak mengumpulkan hasil pengukuran kreativitas dan cara penskorannya.
Kata kunci: kreativitas, keterampilan proses sains, aspek kehidupan, konstruksi item
This community service program aims at training the teachers of Natural Sciences Subject at Elementary Schools Kalibawang District in order to be able to develop a lesson plan, blue print and item which could improve the students’ creativity. This program was implemented by employing lecturing, questioning-answering activity, and practicing. The practicing activities include writing a lesson plan, applying LKPD and its measuring items. The monitoring activity was implemented by presenting learning outcomes and the measurement results. The activity was attended by 20 teachers who were representatives of every elementary school in Kalibawang District. The results achieved at the first meeting had not been successfully arranged for teachers of RPP, LKS, and grids and items. At the second meeting, there were five teachers who succeeded in compiling the RPP, LKS and grids and items. Until finally the third meeting was agreed upon as an additional meeting. In the third meeting there were an additional 5 participants who successfully completed all learning devices. At the third meeting, there were 17 teachers who reported the results of measuring creativity and the method of scoring. For writing questions and scoring methods, there are 5 teachers who do not collect the results of measurement of creativity and the method of scoring.
Key words: creativity, science process skills, life aspects, items development
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jpmmp.v3i2.27383
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