Pengembangang m-learning untuk mendukung kemandirian dan hasil belajar mata pelajaran Geografi
Mukminan Mukminan, Pendidikan Geografi, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: m-learning, geografi, kemandirian
AbstractThe research is aimed at: (1) producing m-learning that can be used in teaching geography subjects for students of class X SMA, (2) producing proper m-learning for Geography lesson, (3) finding out the effectiveness of m-learning in Geography lesson, and (4) detecting the m-learning effect in Geography lesson to support independent and outcomes of learning for students. This is a Research and Development type of research. The results show that: (1) m-learning designed with adobe flash cs 5.5 application is suitable for Hidrosfer lesson topic; (2) m-learning for Geography lesson has met the criteria and considered to be a proper learning media due to the fact that the validation categorizes it as “good”; (3) geography better learning effectiveness by using m-learning is evidenced by student’s mastery learning in the experimental class, and (4) m-learning geography subjects support the independence and learning outcomes of students.
Keywords: m-learning, geography, independent learning
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