Hubungan Antara Penerimaan Kelompok Teman Sebaya dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Ati Sumiyati, , Indonesia
- Chairunnissa, , Indonesia


This research was purposed to obtain valid and reliable data about whether the peer group acceptance correlation with academic achievement.
Data were collected using a survey on 78  students of  Accounting Education Student at  Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta with a sampling technique using propotionate random sampling.  The survey was conducted  by  distributing  questionnaires  to  the samples who have determined. Scores of self – report peer group acceptance  report  obtained  by giving questionnaires with Likert type scale. While the academic achievement is  used  to
index the value of a Grade Point Average (GPA) students of the semester for about 5 semesters 089 – 093 during the academic year  2008 to 2011 of every subject. 
The regression equation in this research is Ŷ = 2.236 + 0.011X. From this equation, test requirements  analysis conducted by the normality test error estimate the regression of Y on X obtained by test Liliefors  Lo <Lt (0.0628 <0.1003). It mean the data are normally distributed. On the linearity The regression test we got the result Fh <Ft (1.28 < 1.84) which can be concluded  that the regression  model is linear. As for the  meaningful  test  obtained  Fh>Ft (23.58 > 4.00) which indicates  that  the regression equation is meaning. The test results by using the  correlation coefficient of Pearson product moment values obtained rxy=0.494.
This means there is a positive correlation between peer group acceptance with the academic achievement of students  at Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta.  From the  test  calculations obtained thitung> ttable, is 4956>1.69 indicating a significant correlation between variable X that is peer group acceptance a variable Y that is  academic achievement. From the results obtained by calculating the coefficient of determination 24.4%  so it can be said  that the academic achievement  variable  Y  is determined by the variable  X  peer group acceptance of 24.4%.

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