Development and performance analysis of the Gunungkidul cultural potential application based on progressive web apps
Muhammad Nurwidya Ardiansyah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nova Suparmanto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Gunungkidul has various cultural potentials that make it a tourist destination. To make it easier for tourists to visit and get tourist destination information, several researchers developed a mobile application-based information system. However, mobile applications have several drawbacks as such as the user must install the application and can only be used on specific operating systems. The purpose of this research is to develop and analyze applications regarding the potential of Gunungkidul culture based on progressive web apps and which can be used without having to install applications and can run in all operating systems. The application development method uses Scrum and Ionic Framework as a framework for the application. The performance analysis method was tested on runtime performance (loading, scripting, rendering, painting, system) and memory usage (min JS Heap and max JS Heap) by using Chrome Developer Tools for 30 tests. The results of the development show that there are 7 features in the application, namely (1) Peta; (2) Geoheritage; (3) Daerah; (4) Cagar Budaya; (5) Kuliner; (6) Seni Adat Tradisi; (7) Agenda. Runtime performance and memory usage test results show the average value on aspects (1) Loading: 33.60 ms; (2) Scripting: 1069.20 ms; (3) Rendering: 84.90 ms; (4) Painting: 22.33; (5) System: 429.67 ms; (6) Min JS Heap: 8.05 MB; and (8) Max JS Heap: 19.51 MB.
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