Konsep pemikiran Mohammed Arkoun dalam aina huwa alfikr al-islāmiy al-mu’āshir

Ruslan Rasyid, Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam- STAIN Sorong-Papua Barat, Indonesia
Hilman Djafar, Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam- STAIN Sorong-Papua Barat, Indonesia


Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"
was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun's
work is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all the
potential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development of
the times or in a religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.
In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broader
horizons of Arabic Islamic thought and can be used as a method of understanding
contemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by Mohammed
Arkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,
because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historical
the reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, both
racial and religious. Some of the directions of his thinking are as follows: 1) Arkoun's way of
perceiving himself; 2) Agendas that must be implemented include building an applied
Islamology / islāmiỹāt tathbȉqhiỹah by trying to apply scientific methodology to the Koran;

3) The Western way (alGharb) knows Islam; 4) Return to the starting point; 5) Secularism
and Islam; 6) Islam, Science, and Philosophy; 7) Islam and Human Rights; 8) Sufism;
9) European nationalism; 10) Think openly.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/hum.v19i1.30158


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