Tujuan pendidikan nasional dalam perspektif Pancasila

Rukiyati Rukiyati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The educational objectives contained in Act Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System in Indonesia is to develop multidimensional and holistic
human nature. The relationship between the components of the goal as an integral whole
and there is a hierarchy of values in the achievement of goals. The natural aspects of
humanity are seen as a potential that needs to be developed so that humans reach personal
qualities as human beings who have noble character, both when dealing with the Creator
in terms of faith and piety (believe in one God) and when dealing with fellow creatures in
world life (humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice). The purpose of education is
actually the values of Pancasila in another formulation because, in fact, the foundation of
Indonesia's national education philosophy is Pancasila.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/hum.v19i1.30160


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