Analisis wacana kritis dalam pembelajaran: Peran AWK pada pembelajaran literasi kritis, berpikir kritis, dan kesadaran berbahasa kritis

Ruruh Sarasati, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Critical discourse analysis has been used to determine the power relations that
occur in the process of production and reproduction of meaning. The structure of
knowledge influences the course of the practice of disclosure. The intended
knowledge is not only knowledge that is known by the speaker, but the knowledge
of the listener or reader. This places critical discourse analysis in a multidisciplinary
view. The multidisciplinary view is currently inherent in the analysis of critical
discourse and raises the potential for the involvement of critical discourse analysis
in the discourses that arise in the classroom. Furthermore, critical discourse analysis
can also play a role in learning. This article conveys the potential role of Critical
Discourse Analysis in critical literacy learning, critical thinking, and critical
language awareness.

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