Mohamad Ikrom, IAIN Jember, Indonesia


Islam membawa ajaran luhur dan ideal bersumber dari Allah dengan konsep Alqur’an
dan teladan implementasi oleh rasulullah khususnya dalam mengangkat derajat perempuan
yang secara historis termarjinalisasi kederajat yang setara dan bahkan terkesan lebih
dimuliakan. Konsep ideal islam tentang gender terbiaskan karena dua hal: pertama,
pemahaman terhadap sumber hukum yang bersifat tekstual dan dogmatis. Kedua, perolehan
pemahan umat islam dari mubalig yang terkesan patriarkis dan memarjinalkan perempuan
dalam materinya. Sehingga mengembalikan umat islam pada bias gender pada era jahiliyah
sebelum datangnya islam yang patriarkis dan memarjinalkan perempuan.
Hukum yang dibuat pemerintah Indonesia dari pusat sampai tingkat peraturan desa
dianggap tidak mensejahterakan perempuan, malah terkesan tidak ramah terhadap perempuan.
Hal ini dapat dilihat dari indikator yang dipakai hukum tersebut bersifat simbolistik dan
eksploitasi tubuh wanita, seperti kewajiban menutup aurat, kewajiban berjilbab, bekerja pada
wilayah yang tertutup, sehingga perlu rekonstruksi kembali hukum Islam yang
mensejahterakan dan berkeadilan. Rekonstruksi pemikiran hukum Islam dapat mengunakan
beberapa prinsip sebagai berikut: Prinsip Maqashid al-Syari`ah, Prinsip Relativitas Fiqh,
Prinsip Tafsir Tematik, Prinsip Kemaslahatan (al-Maslahat), Prinsip Kesetaraan dan Keadilan
Gender (al-Musawah al-Jinsiyah), Prinsip Pluralitas (al-Ta`addudiyyah), Prinsip Nasionalitas
(al-Muwathanah),, Prinsip Penegakan HAM (Iqamat al-Huquq al-Insaniyah), Prinsip
Demokrasi (al-Dimuqrathiyyah)

Islam brings noble and ideal teachings sourced from God with the concept of the Qur'an
and the example of implementation by the messenger of Allah in particular in raising the rank
of women who have historically been marginalized to equal degrees and even seem more
glorified. The ideal Islamic concept of gender is refracted because of two things: first,
understanding of textual and dogmatic sources of law. Second, the acquisition of Muslims
from the preachers who seemed patriarchal and and seemed to marginalize women in terms of
material, so that returning the Muslims to gender bias in the era of ignorance before the arrival
of patriarchal Islam and marginalizing women.
Laws made by the Indonesian government from the center to the level of village
regulations are deemed not to prosper women, instead they seem unfriendly to women. This
can be seen from the indicators used by the law that are symbolic and exploit the body of 

women, such as the obligation to cover the genitals, the obligation to veil, work in a closed
area, so that the reconstruction of Islamic law is prosperous and just. Reconstruction of
Islamic legal thought can use several principles as follows: Maqashid al-Shari'ah Principle,
Principles of Fiqh Relativity, Thematic Interpretation Principles, Principles of Benefit (al-
Maslahat), Principles of Equality and Gender Justice (al-Musawah al-Jinsiyah), Principles
Plurality (al-Ta`addudiyyah), Principles of Nationality (al-Muwathanah) ,, Principles of
Human Rights Enforcement (Iqamat al-Huquq al-Insaniyah), Principles of Democracy (al-


Islamic law, reconstruction of thought, gender, human rignt, maslahat

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