Jurnal Ilmiah Guru Caraka Olah Pikir Edukatif

JIG COPE is an information and communication  forum or medium discussing scientific ideas for teachers and other educators.The journal is published twice a year by the Research Center of Basic Secondary and Vocational Education, LPPM UNY collaborated with the Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Yogyakarta and Teachers' Association of the Republic of Indonesia Regional Board Level I Yogyakarta

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Vol 21, No 2: November 2017

Table of Contents


Agus Tita Wijayanti, SMK N 4 Yogyakarta

Agus Margono, PPs UNS
Budiyono Budiyono, PPs UNS
Imam Sujadi, PPs UNS

Reni Herawati, Dinas Dikpora DIY

Sudarmadi Sudarmadi, Pengawas SMA Balai Dikmen Kulon Progo, Dikpora DIY

Dwi Ermavianti Wahyu Sulistyorini, SMK N 1 Sewon

F. Indarta, SMA N 1 Pundong

Suwantini Suwantini, SMK N 1 Sewon

Tangsi Sasmita, SD N Pendulun Moyudan Sleman

Sri Lestari, SMK N 1 Tempel

Wahyu Widyastuti, SMA N 3 Bantul