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Author Guidelines

JIG COPE Author Guideline

  1. The article is in the form of ideas of scientific research or the reflection of field experience which gives benefits for teachers and other education practitioners.
  2. The article has not been published in any publication, and is not being submitted in other media. Article sourced from the research group, the authors have to ask permission from the members. Name of the group members were written on the first page, the bottom line.
  3. The structure of the article consists of: title, author name, abstract, introduction, the content, the conclusion, references, and the author bio.
  4. The content or the article consisted of abstract, introduction, approach / procedures / methods, the result of analysis and discussion, conclusions and references.
  5. Articles in the form of the ideas or field experience, consisting of abstract, introduction, discussion (with sub-titles in accordance with the substance), conclusions and references.
  6. The title of the article should be clear, informative, and contains keywords, should be no more than 14 words.
  7. The length of the manuscript of at least 1,500 words and a maximum of 2,500 words or 10-15 pages, A4 (21 x 29.70 em), 2 spaced typed with the left margin of 4 cm and 4 cm top, bottom right 3 cm and 3 cm, font Times New Roman 12 with the MS Word program window.
  8. Abstract contains the essence of the whole text, presented in a narrative, in one paragraph. It consists of 100 to 120 words.
  9. The author's name is written under the title, without a title accompanied by profession, institution of origin author, email address, mobile phone number, which located under the author's name. The author can be an individual or a team, and all of the authors should be listed.
  10. Writing a source of references: the author's name is derived from a source of reference in the country (Indonesia) are presented in full, but the authors' last name who come from abroad should be written.
    1. Indirect quotation: paragraphs written by paraphrasing, direct translation is forbidden. Direct translation is considered as plagiarism.
    2. Direct Quotation
  •   Indonesian author
Darmiyati Zuchdi (1994) menyatakan bahwa dilihat dari distribusi waktu penelitian kualitatif membutuhkan waktu yang cukup besar untuk melakukan persiapan sebelum sampai pada langkah pengumpulan data.
  • Foreign author

"Developmental  research  may  be  misleading  rather  than  informative  when propositions   about   development of gender-typed  behavior are tested with measures of spontaneous performance rather than acquisition, as is usually the case" (Busey & Bandura, 1999, p. 688)

Nb: Authors consist of 2 or 3, each author's name written in full.

  1. Tables and illustrations may include images, charts, diagrams, maps and photos are presented with the following provisions:
    1. photos for images, maps, should be sharp, printed: on paper glossy.
    2. size images, graphs, tables, and so adjusted to the paper size.
    3. pictures and graphs made on white paper and be numbered.
    4. table using a horizontal line, with no vertical lines.
    5. Pictures, graphics and photos are boxed. The title is on, typed from the left edge and consecutively numbered per chapter. Captions, graphics, and photographs typed at the bottom, in the box. Title image, graphic, written in the lower center.

Title is above the table, typed from the left edge.

 Figure 2. A Simplified View of SCCT’s Model of Interest Development

 12. Bibliography following the model of the APA (American Psychological Association) organized alphabetically, and adjusted with the following details.

a. Periodicals or journals: author's name, year of publication, title of article writing, publication title (in italics), volume, number and pages.


Stoll, L. & Fink, D. (1992). "Effecting school change: The halton approach". School

effectiveness and  school improvement: An  international journal  of research policy and practice, 3 (1). 19-41.

Herawati, L. (2010). "Estimasi parameter pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat hasil intervensi cooperative self help di propinsi DIY". Jurnal Kependidikan, 40 (1). 17-28.

Speed,  G.I.  (1983).  "Do  newspaper  now  give  the  news".  Forum.   15:70S-701.

  b. Books: author's name (if more than one word, which is used as a last name entry), the year, the full title of the book (italics), city of publisher, and the publisher's name.


Zuchdi, D. (1994). Metodologi penelitian kualitatif. IMPYogyakarta: FPBS.

Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Depdikbud. (1987). Materi dasar program pendidikan akta mengajar V: Metodologi penelitian Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi. Thayer• Bacon, Barbara, J. (1998). Philosophy aplied to education nurturing a democratic community in the classroom. New Jersey: Presntice Hall, Inc.

 c. The book consists of several articles: author's name, year of publication, title of article artikell, author name, book title, editors' names, city of publication, publisher name, and pages.


Winch, C. (2006). "Graduate attributes and changing conceptions oflearning" dalam P. Hager &  S. Holland (eds). Graduate attributes, learning and employability. Dordrecht: Springer.

Grundy,  Shirley. (1996).  Towards  empowering  leadership:  the  importance  of imagining". In Ortrun Zubber Skerritt (Eds.). New directions in action research. Washington DC.: The Falmer Press.

 d. Books written by more than three people: all the author's name listed


Berry, lW.,   Poortinga, Y.H., Segall, M.H., & Dasen, P.R. (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research  and applications. 2nd ed. UK: Cambridge University Press

e. Articles in the internet: the author's name, title of article writing, website, download date.


 Josephson Institute of Ethnic. (2000). The ethic of American youth. http://www. Diunduh pada tanggal25  Desember 2009.

 f. Articles in daily newspapers: the author's name, year of publication, title of article writing, publication title (in italics), date, and page


Arman, S.A. (1973). "Sekali lagi teroris". Kompas,  19 Januari  1973, halaman 5.

Kompas. (1991). "Pemukiman dan lingkungan". Kompas, 10  Februari 1991, halaman 3.

 13. Biography written in the narrative, a maximum of 100 words, contain the full name and title of education, place and date of birth, occupation, name of the institution where work, and scientific works ever published in the last three years.

14. Some of the possibilities of the manuscript submitted for publication:accepted and published,accepted and revised by the editorial oard,resubmit for review,rejected as ineligible.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The article is in the form of ideas of scientific research or the reflection of field experience which gives benefits for teachers and other education practitioners.
  2. The article has not been published in any publication, and is not being submitted in other media. Article sourced from the research group, the authors have to ask permission from the members. Name of the group members were written on the first page, the bottom line.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.