Peer Review Process

  1. Each manuscript submitted to the journal undergoes an initial evaluation by members of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that meet the journal's criteria are forwarded to reviewers, while those that do not are returned to the authors without review.

  2. During the review process, a manuscript may be sent back to the author for revision if deemed necessary by the reviewers. Authors are expected to revise and improve their manuscripts in accordance with the reviewers' feedback, comments, and ratings. The revised manuscript must then be resubmitted for re-evaluation.

  3. The review process follows a single-blind method, focusing on the manuscript's novelty, objectivity, methodology, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.

  4. The final decision on whether a manuscript is approved for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief, based on recommendations from the reviewers. Additionally, all submissions will undergo plagiarism screening using Turnitin to ensure originality.