Indonesia, Inggris
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan efektivitas program Kelas Industri pada program keahlian Teknik Otomotif SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta ditinjau dari model evaluasi context, input, process, dan product. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif evaluatif dengan model evaluasi CIPP (context, input, process, product) dengan angket, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Subyek penelitian ini terdiri dari guru program Kelas Industri berjumlah empat orang dan siswa program Kelas Industri yang berjumlah 108 orang di SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. Validasi instrumen dilakukan oleh ahli (expert judgement), sedangkan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan alfa cronbach. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program Kelas Industri Teknik Otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta dari evaluasi context kemitraan SMK-Industri perlu ditingkatkan; dari evaluasi input minat siswa persentase 35,19%, kepercayaan diri siswa persentase 44,44%, kepuasan diri siswa persentase 45,37%, sarana dan prasarana terpenuhi sesuai dengan standar industri; dari evaluasi process: pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pemanfaatan media pembelajaran masuk dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase 35,19%, penggunaan media dan sumber belajar serta penilaian pembelajaran sangat baik; dari evaluasi product: hasil belajar siswa dalam kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 90% dan keterserapan lulusan dalam kategori tinggi dengan persentase 78%.
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Program Kelas Industri, TKRO, CIPP
AbstractThis study aims to describe the effectiveness of the Industrial Class program evaluation in the Automotive Engineering Skills program at SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta in terms of context, input, process, and product evaluation models. This research is evaluative descriptive research using the CIPP model evaluation research method (context, input, process, product) with questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observation. The subjects of this study consisted of four Industrial Class program teachers and 108 Industrial Class program students at SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. Instrument validation was carried out by experts (expert judgment), while the reliability of the instrument used Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the Automotive Engineering Industry Class program at SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta from the evaluation of the SMK-Industry partnership context needed to be improved; from the input evaluation the percentage of student interest is 35.19%, student self-confidence is 44.44%, student self-satisfaction is 45.37%, facilities and infrastructure are met according to industry standards; from the evaluation process: the implementation of learning, the use of learning media is in the pretty good category with a percentage of 35.19%, the use of media and learning resources and the learning assessment is very good; from product evaluation: student learning outcomes are in the very good category with a percentage of 90% and graduate absorption is in the high category with a percentage of 78%.
Keywords: Evaluate, Industrial Class Program, TKRO, CIPP