
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

1. The manuscript must be an language, literature, philology, arts, and Javanese culture research result or a scientific study of actual problems in which contributed toward the understanding, development theory, the scientific concept, and the implications for culture in Javanese.

2. The articles must be original and have never been published or are being submitted to another journal. Articles ever presented in a forum, such as seminars, should be mentioned forum.

3. All submitted manuscripts have to be written by referring to APA style, following this TEMPLATE [DOWNLOAD] ENGLISH INDONESIAN]

4. All manuscripts are submitted through online journal system. If you already have an acount, you may log in first. If you don't, please REGISTER to the system.

5. Manuscript is written in Indonesian or English properly. 5.000-8.000 words 1 column 1.5 spacing, A4 paper, font Times New Roman 12, with program window MS word

6. Articles written by the terms and systematics as follows:

  •  Title: written and concise, maximum 14 words containing the keyword, and should reflect the substance of culture described in the article body.
  •  The author's name: it is written under the title, without a title. The author can be an individual or a team, and all of the authors listed.
  •  Agencies and address of the author: author written institutions of origin, email address, which is located under the author's name.
  • Abstract: written in Indonesian and English, which consists of 150 to 170 words and written in one paragraph that contains (1) the purpose, (2) methods, and (3) the results of the research.
  • Keywords: filled 3 (three) words or terms that reflect the essence of the concept within the scope of the problems can consist of several pieces of words / terms. Key words written under the abstract with a distance of one line and italicized.
  • Body: consists of (1) an introduction that includes a background, (2) procedures / means / methods, (3) the results of research and discussion, (4) conclusion. 

           1) INTRODUCTION: background, issues and literature review.

           2) PROCEDURE/METHOD/METHODS: unbiased method/methods used.

           3) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION: contains the results of research and discussion of these results.

           4) CONCLUSION: The study outlines conclusions in line with problems discussed.

  •  References: cultivated from primary sources (journals/magazines scientific or research report) and current/latest (maximum 10 years except manuscript as the primary sources). References only lists the sources referenced in the article body. Otherwise the name referenced in the body must exist in the bibliography. Writing a reference follow the example below. 
  • Journal


Kusuma, F. I., Sutadji, E., & Tuwoso. (2014). Kontribusi dukungan orang tua, penguasaan pengetahuan dasar, dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan. Jurnal Kependidikan, 44(1), 1-14.


Kusuma, F. I., Sutadji, E., & Tuwoso. (2014). Kontribusi dukungan orang tua, penguasaan pengetahuan dasar, dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan. Jurnal Kependidikan, 44(1), 1-14. Dari: (attached DOI if any).

  • Book:

Page, A. C., & Stritzke, W. G. K. (2015). Clinical psychology for trainees: Foundations of science-informed practice(2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Winch, C. (2006). Graduate attributes and changing conceptions of learning. Dalam Hager, P. & Holland, S. Graduate attributes, learning and employability, (pp. 67-90). Dordrecht: Springer.

  • Newspaper/ Magazine article

Arman, S. A. (19 Januari 2013). Mempertimbangkan kembali pemberlakuan kurikulum baru. Kompas5.

For online newspaper, the website address should be attached.

  • Paper

Wilujeng, I., Masruri, M. S., & Wangid, M. N. (April, 2016). Pengembangan subject specific pedagogy tematik untuk mengembangkan karakter siswa sekolah dasar. Makalah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan PPM untuk Mewujudkan Insan Unggul, Yogyakarta.

For online paper, the website address should be attached.

  • Thesis

Lestari, S. N. D. (2014). Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pengelolaan keuangan PTN: Studi kasus di UGM (Tesis UGM).

7. How to refer to the authors in the article body mentioning the last name of the author (according to the bibliography), year, and page.

Example: Woodside (2010, pp. 53-55); (Woodside & Roger, 2010, p. 53) or Woodside and Roger (2010) explained ...... (pp.53-55).

Direct referral (without changing anything), typed single-spaced indented entrance to the right 7 beats, the left and right.

8. Figures may include images, charts, diagrams, maps and photos are presented with the following provisions:

a) photos for images, maps, should be pretty sharp;

b) size images, graphs, tables, and so adjusted to the size of the paper;

c) table using horizontal lines, vertical lines and without table heading above the table and typed from the left edge,

d) images, graphics and photos are boxed and the title is above the typed from the left edge and to be numbered.

e) Copy graphs directly from Excel, not the image (.jpg)

9. The manuscript softfile in the format "doc" is sent to the OJS system  

10. Kejawen Journal articles that have been published can be accessed through e-journal at:

11. Unpublished manuscripts will be returned or informed via e-mail in the form of notification.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. How to refer to the authors in the article body mentioning the last name of the author (according to the bibliography), year, and page.

    Example: Woodside (2010, pp. 53-55); (Woodside & Roger, 2010, p. 53) or Woodside and Roger (2010) explained ...... (pp.53-55).

    Direct referral (without changing anything), typed single-spaced indented entrance to the right 7 beats, the left and right

  8. Tables and illustrations may include images, charts, diagrams, maps and photos are presented with the following provisions:

    a)      photos for images, maps, should be pretty sharp;

    b)      size images, graphs, tables, and so adjusted to the size of the paper;

    c)      table using horizontal lines, vertical lines and without table heading above the table and typed from the left edge,

    d)      images, graphics and photos are boxed and the title is above the typed from the left edge and to be numbered.

    e)       Copy graphs directly from Excel, not the image (.jpg)

  9. The manuscript softfile in the format "doc" is sent the OJS system

Copyright Notice

All posts that exist in KEJAWEN is not a reflection of the attitudes and opinions of the Editorial Board of KEJAWEN. The responsibility for the contents or the result of writing still lies on the authors.

Creative Commons License
Jurnal Kependidikan by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.