Pengaruh Pendekatan PMRI terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah, dan Prestasi Belajar

Wahidin Wahidin, SMP Negeri 1 Luragung, Indonesia
Sugiman Sugiman, Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbedaan pengaruh pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) dan pendekatan konvensional serta keefektifan pendekatan PMRI dan pendekatan konvensional ditinjau dari motivasi berprestasi, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, dan prestasi belajar siswa pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Luragung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment). Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Luragung, semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 yang terdiri atas delapan kelas. Sampel dipilih sebanyak dua kelas dari 8 kelas dengan menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Perbedaan pengaruh dianalisis menggunakan uji multivariat (MANOVA) dan keefektifan dianalisis dengan uji one sample t test dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara pendekatan PMRI dan pendekatan konvensional ditinjau dari motivasi berprestasi, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, dan prestasi belajar siswa dan pendekatan PMRI efektif ditinjau dari motivasi berprestasi.

Kata Kunci: Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia, pendekatan konvensional, motivasi berprestasi, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, prestasi belajar.


The Effect of the IRME Approach on the Achievement Motivation, Problem Solving Skills, and Learning Achievement



This study aimed to describe (1) Differentiation the effect of Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (IRME) and the conventional approach and (2) Effectiveness of IRME approach and the conventional approach on achievement motivation, problem solving skills, and learning achievement of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Luragung. This study was a quasi-experimental study (quasi-experiment). The population of this research was all the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Luragung, semester I academic year 2013/2014 consisting of eight classes. Two classes was chosen from 8 classes by using cluster sampling technique as samples. The effect of IRME were analyzed using multivariate test (MANOVA), and effectiveness were analyzed using one sample t test with a significance level of 0.05. The results show that there is a significant difference effect between IRME approach and the conventional approach on achievement motivation, problem solving skills, and students learning achievement. IRME approach effective on achievement motivation in the subject system linear equations in two variables in SMP Negeri 1 Luragung.

Keywords: Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (IRME) approach, the conventional approach, achievement motivation, problem solving skills, learning achievement.


Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (IRME) approach; the conventional approach; achievement motivation; problem solving skills; learning achievement

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