SMA Negeri 11 Yogyakarta XI Grade Students' Participation in Visual Art Learning
Arsianti Latifah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This research aims to determine student participation and the factors that influence the active participation of class XI students at SMA N 11 Yogyakarta in learning fine arts. This research uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. Data collection techniques include observation, student and teacher interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this research are teachers and students of class XI IPA. The results showed that (1.) Students' participation in learning fine arts at SMA N 11 Yogyakarta includes direct and indirect involvement. 86% of students are actively involved and enthusiastic in learning; (2.) Overall, the indicators of learners' active participation in various aspects of fine arts learning show a supportive learning environment and high motivation, both from learners and teachers; (3.) Factors influencing learners' active participation in fine arts learning are learners' interest, concentration, attitude, cognitive knowledge, ability to complete tasks, and a conducive classroom atmosphere; (4.) Fine arts education at SMA N 11 Yogyakarta has successfully achieved its goals by developing sensory sensitivity as learners can develop creativity. Providing a stimulus for imaginative ideas has successfully stimulated the emergence of new imaginations in learners. Integrating art with other disciplines, such as learners consider art, can increase creativity, and learners have a broad enough view so that they can appreciate art.
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