Kajian sistematik: Pembentukan Citra Diri

Robby Firmansyah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The rise of personal branding utilization as a communication strategy within various contexts results in the heterogeneity of its concepts and elements. On the one hand, its popularity accelerates the development of knowledge regarding the establishment of personal brand, on the other hand, it contributes to the variety of its concepts and elements that become dependent on its context. This article aims to illustrate the development of understanding toward the establishment of personal brand based on its formative dimensions and also to draw a more general description from the heterogeneity of its elements. The systematic review method is used to identify, analyze, and synthesis the elements that play role in the establishment of personal brand based on the existed literatures. Based on the identification and elimination process toward initial literature, twenty-one (N=21) literature were selected as relevant sources to describe the development of personal brand establishment elements. The results show that values, personalities, and expertise become the most commonly used elements in the internal dimension of personal brand establishment. Process dimensions include the process of reflection, communication, and evaluation. The external dimensions consist of the role of the third party and the setting where the personal branding activity take place.


personal brand, dimensions, elements, systematic review


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/sungging.v3i1.75252


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