Development of child-friendly interior design at Tumbuh Kembang Daycare, Sinduharjo, Yogyakarta
Dwi Retno Sri Ambarwati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
The research aimed at establishing an interior design for growing daycare with child-friendly concepts considering functional aspects, comfort, security, and beauty. Research and development, or R&D, is the method used in the study. The study developed into a friendly interior development of children in Tumbuh Kembang Daycare's Sinduharjo Yogyakarta, producing two-dimensional and three-dimensional images and video presentations. Research provided results: 1) friendly interior design of children with built-in nuances of nature and taking into account aspects of security, comfort, function, and beauty, 2) optimizing the function of each existing space by making use of space and by performing people' purposes, 3) branding child care through a cheerful and friendly atmosphere, 5) shaping the space element as on the floor, The wall and the ceiling, to be kinder with the child, and to keep nature literate, Overall design considers important aspects of interior design, considerations for essential aspects of child space, use of color, space layout, infrastructure criteria, room requirements, and child therapy.
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