Upaya meningkatkan kreativitas santri melalui seni grafis: Pendekatan holistik di Pesantren Modern Insan Madani Bandung

Jian Al Ma'arij, Pesantren Modern Insan Madani Bandung


Art education in modern pesantren environments faces several challenges, including difficulties in presenting practical materials that are interesting and relevant to students. This study aims to identify effective strategies in presenting graphic arts practice materials, particularly using stencil techniques, that are engaging and easily understood by students in modern pesantren. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. A series of learning activities, including direct practice demonstrations, discussions, and direct student practice under the guidance of a teacher in Grade 9, were conducted over three meetings. The research findings indicate that the use of stencil techniques as an alternative for graphic arts practice that is affordable and easy to implement can help overcome the limitations of expensive art supplies. Additionally, the integration of Islamic values in art education is also an important aspect related to the principle of Curriculum Independence in the context of pesantren education. By applying these strategies and a holistic education approach that integrates spiritual and intellectual aspects, it is hoped that teachers can be more effective in presenting graphic arts practice materials in modern pesantren, thereby increasing student interest and achievement in art education and making a positive contribution to the development of art education in the pesantren environment.


holistic education, art education, graphic arts, stencil, modern pesantren


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/sungging.v3i1.72999


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